How Different People Handle Advantages and Disadvantages

On the left panel, someone is helping someone up ledge, on the right panel someone it reaching for help, and the other person walks away.

Sometimes, through hard work or luck, some people have an advantage compared to others. Sometimes, through laziness or bad luck, other people have a disadvantage compared to others.

A graph showing people with an advatage above those with no advantage, and those with a disavantege below them.
One person in the background is building a wall and is motioning for the person in the foreground. The forground person is holding 1 brick in one hand and 3 bricks in the other with a confused look on their face.
Workers are having trouble building a house because they can’t talk to each other.

Imagine there is a group of people who live near each other and help each other, but are unable to speak. They have a lot of trouble building things, because, if they work together, they can't tell each other how long a piece of wood should be or how many bricks they need. They can’t tell each other what time they need to meet to work on different things.

One day, the group gains two new members. They have the ability to speak to each other. They can save a lot of time and energy now. They have a great advantage. When they grow up, they will have lots of different options on how to use their advantage.

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