Pretending People’s Thoughts About You

Pretending People have a very simplistic view of how you think. If you play recklessly and end up hurting yourself, instead of thinking, “It's nice that he is willing to take a little risk and is prepared to get hurt to gain skills even faster,” they think, “He didn’t expect to fall, and now he hurt himself, and since protecting the body is important, he did something dumb.”

They may send you to do something that will take some time from your life and they say it’s to help you. Unlike a Wise Leader, you can’t trust they put a lot of time considering it, and you can't trust that they had your perspective in mind. They are probably doing it because someone else they look up to does stuff like that. If you let them know it went badly, they might do unexpected things, like get mad or call you a liar.

You might think that when they say they love you, they are willing to try anything to help you, even try things your way. They do not love you in this way, however. They love you in different ways that are difficult for them to describe because they cannot account for all their actions, like a Self Guider.

When Pretending People with the same ideas get together, they have a lot of influence on each other. They mostly focus on how people who don’t see things their way are bad, without wondering if there is a reason to do things that way.

Since the only way to get along with a Pretending Person for long periods of time (besides sitting with them in silence) is trying things their way, you might start to become one. If you wish to be a Wise Leader someday, you might have to limit the contact you have with Pretending People. They might get very upset, but that’s OK. The closer you are to being a Wise Leader, the more you can help future Learners. Even making one future Learner a little happy is better than making a Pretending Person happy. Maybe you can even return to the Pretending Person one day and help them.

Most of the ways they mistreat you have come from people they trusted when they were a Learner. If they misread your thoughts or feelings all the time, and are absolutely confident they are correct, you can be very sure that someone they trusted to be an Everything Knower misread their thoughts when they were little. Just about anything they do to you that is unpleasant was likely done to them by someone they trusted.

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