Communicating With Pretending People Based on the Damage They Cause You

You can keep the damage they cause your mind, like how you would with a Wise Leader. You can walk around feeling awkward, sad, or hurt. Maybe if someone else notices, they can talk to the Pretending Person about their ways and what to change. That way, if you keep on being hurt, you will eventually help others not to be hurt in the future. It seems like a very good and selfless thought to give up your future to help the future of others.

Considering these ideas, it might be more selfless and good to try to recover from the damage Pretending People give you, instead of keeping it. Although it might be very upsetting to hear that a Pretending Person feels like they are responsible for your success if you do succeed, you might have to think of something to say to them if they do.

Communicating Concepts in Other Ways

You might think most people would rethink things that make them feel overwhelmed, but Pretending People are not really the ones to do that.

Thoughts a Wise Leader Might Have Thoughts a Pretending Person Might Have
“It’s really tiring being upset when they make that noise all the time. Hmm… Oh! Maybe instead of using so much energy to be upset, I could use that energy to become the kind of person who isn’t bothered when people make that noise!” “That noise is making me madder and madder. They do not listen when I tell them to stop. I will have to take away more and more things they like to get them to stop!”
“Being angry when they do that doesn’t seem to be working, Hmm… Oh! Maybe I should try to be proud of them when they do that and see how that goes!” “Why do they do that?! What’s wrong with them?”
“When I didn’t tell them the weak areas of the human body, so they could avoid them, they hit people there anyway. Hmm... Oh! maybe if I had told them earlier, they would have tried to avoid those areas! Whoops, I guess it’s kind of my fault...” “They hit a person’s weak areas when I didn’t tell them, so they proved they are horrible and they did not deserve to have this information anyway!”

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