Talking to Friends About Pretending People

Don’t call someone “a pretender” if you discover they are a Pretending Person. They are not Pocobian like a Wise Leader, so they will not understand your meaning. To them, it would feel the same as when someone calls you bad, when you are just trying your best.

It’s important to speak about them in the way you would like to be spoken about too. Example conversation:

Kid 1: “I think they might be pretending to know everything.” Kid 2: “I think they might be pretending to guide themselves.” Kid 3: “I think they might be pretending to be a Wise Leader.”

Kid 1: “When I discovered they didn’t know something, instead of admitting it, they tried to hide it.”

Kid 2: “When I found that they were not very talented at something I asked them to help me with, and I couldn’t have known they weren’t able, they called me dumb for not knowing they weren’t talented in it.”

Kid 3: “When it seemed clear they forgot something they did to me, they acted like they remembered.”

Kid 2: “Are you sure they are not a Learner trying a different way?”

Kid 1: “I don’t know. Maybe we need to be together more.”

Kid 3: “If they are a Pretending Person, why do you think they are one?”

Kid 2: “Well, it's not because they are bad. Maybe it's because that is all they know.”

Kid 1: “Maybe they are afraid that if they were honest with us, that we wouldn't listen to them?”

Kid 3: “Maybe something really bad happened to them when they were little with someone they thought was a Self Guider.”

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