Key Word Quick Refrence

Being in a position that helps you more than other people in a different position. See: Disadvantage, Control over what other people do with their time.
Something that doesn't help a group of people get along together as well.
Bad Guy
Someone who is happy and thinks it’s good when they hurt other people.
An imaginary line where people would be sad or upset if you cross it.
Burden Way
Promising to yourself and others that you will help the world a great deal in the future, if you take something that others may need right now. See: Inside Way, Urgency Way, Equal Way, Fair Way.
Care Control Reason
When someone who knows you are a good person says that they will take away things you need to help others, if you don’t do what they want.
Someone who closely takes care of one or more other people, usually young Learners. They are so close to those they care for, that they have to find ways to get along with each other.
Control over what other people do with their time
Power. Power over other people. Able to force people to do what you want or having things or experiences other people want. See: Advantage, Impelled by Another.
This could mean two things: 1. Doing the opposite of what someone says or causing a ruckus when they try to get you to do what they want. 2. Treating someone as if they are too limited and have too many negative qualities to realize their way or ways aren’t good.
Deviant Approach
Continuously breaking a rule someone made for you in order to communicate something to that person. See: Enforce Approach, Mourning Approach, Sneaky Approach, Defiance.
Being in a position that hinders you more than other people in a different position. See: Advantage, Negative Quality.
Enforce Approach
Trying to keep people following a rule in order to communicate something to whoever made the rule. See: Deviant Approach, Mourning Approach, Sneaky Approach, Impelled by Another.
A quality a person can have. They do everything for a reason that is good, and they can tell you why. The reason they tell you would never be because someone else made them or wanted them to do it. Universally accountable. See: Self Guider, Right Setting.
Environment Spaces
A space others take care of for a reason they don’t know. The time they spend working on it doesn't make the world a better place.
Equal Way
Splitting up something that people need into equal parts for each person. See: Inside Way, Urgency Way, Fair Way, Burden Way.
Everything Knower
Someone who only does good and knows the past, the future, what everybody thinks, and what’s best for everybody.
Fair Way
Splitting up something that people need so that the neediest person gets the most, and the least needy person gets the least. See: Inside Way, Urgency Way, Equal Way, Burden Way.
For-the-best Limit
A reason someone cannot do something for you. It’s because they are a good person and know it will not benefit a greater good. They are meant for better things. See: Limit, Impelled by Nature, Impelled by Another.
A person’s ability to choose how they want to live.
Something that helps a group of people get along better together.
Impelled by Another
Doing what someone else wants you to do because you don’t want to get punished. When someone makes you do something. See: Rule, Punishment, Unconventional way to communicate, Impelled by Nature, Limit, For-the-best Limit.
Impelled by Nature
When you do something because your instincts, nature, or your brain really want you to. See: Impelled by Another, Limit, and For-the-best Limit.
The quality of a person who is beginning to understand how their actions affect people around them. A person with this quality often changes to fit in with the wishes or needs of others. Formed from the root words immature and natural. See: Learner.
Innocent till proven guilty
If someone is accused of a crime, they aren’t seen as a criminal until it’s proven they did the crime.
Inside Way
Splitting up something that people need, based on what they know about themselves. See: Urgency Way, Equal Way, Fair Way, Burden Way.
What someone plans to do after they get something. It could be bad or good. See: Burden Way.
A person who has the potential to help out and do either a bit of good in the future, or even become someone truly great.
Something someone cannot do even if they wanted to. See: For-the-best Limit, Impelled by Nature, and Impelled by Another.
Misguided Person
A person who harms people around them, and through that harm, they change people to be like them.
Mourning Approach
Accepting a rule and also accepting its bad outcomes, for the sake of communicating something to whoever made the rule. See: Deviant Approach, Enforce Approach, Sneaky Approach.
Negative Label
Remembering and naming someone as a person who did something bad or embarrassing when they were reaching their limits, or had to make a hard decision.
Negative Quality
Something about that person makes them do things that aren’t as good for the environment, either because they aren’t able to, or they aren’t as good a person as they could be. See: Limit, Disadvantage.
A quality of a leader who has trouble working out how a way they support (that isn’t their job), which, if everyone supported it, would make the world a worse place to live. See: Pretending Person.
Origin Idea
The first idea that guides how someone acts. It could be secret, selfish, hard to communicate, or even forgotten.
Large groups of people getting along without fighting.
A quality of someone who asks themselves, “If I were being taken care of, could I think of any messages so important, that it would be worthwhile to upset the person I am now, for even a chance to communicate it?” and tends to come up with good answers. Formed from the first letters of the words Person One COuld Be. See: Wise Leader.
The bad thing that someone does to you after you break a rule. See: Rule, Impelled by Another, Unconventional way to communicate.
Pretending Person
Someone who acts like they are a great leader who’s in control of what they do with their time and tries to hide anything that proves they are not.
Have a way for someone to convince you that you are wrong.
Reserve Judgement
Not deciding if you like someone or not knowing if something is true until you know more. See: Wise Leader.
Right to Life
The belief that it’s good when people are alive.
A quality of a leader who asks themselves questions like, “What’s wrong with my leadership skills?” more than they ask themselves, “What's wrong with the people I lead?”. See: Wise Leader.
Advice that you have to follow or else someone will punish you. See: Punishment, Impelled by Another.
Self Guider
A legendary person who has done many things in their life and has seen what happens. What they know, they’ve learned only from first-hand experiences. They do good and don’t let anyone stand in their way.
Sneaky Approach
Trying not to get caught when breaking a rule. See: Deviant Approach, Enforce Approach, Mourning Approach.
Stop learning about everything and focusing on learning one or two skills to help the world be better. See: Worker.
Right Setting
All the things that you have to pay attention to before doing an action is considered good. The specific conditions that makes something OK. Example: You should only put your friend on the moon under the right setting: 1. They are in a spacesuit. 2. It has oxygen. 3. They are not sick. 4. They have a way to get back. 5. They want to go to the moon. (Only a Self Guider can tell you all the right settings for everything they do.) See: Enoutable.
An unconventional way to communicate (see below) whose messages could be: 1. I’m better than you, or 2. I think you can improve in a way that I don’t know how to say in a nice way.
On people; to try to find out what kind of person someone is by setting up a situation and seeing how they act when it happens.
Unconventional way to communicate
Trying to say something important to someone else with uncomfortable or unpleasant words or actions. See: Punishment, Impelled by Another, Pocobian.
Urgency Way
Splitting up something that people need, so the person who acts like they need it the most gets the most, and the person who acts like they need it the least gets the least. See: Inside Way, Equal Way, Fair Way, Burden Way.
A person who knows the basics of almost every way of being and every way people could be together. They are always happy to demonstrate their knowledge. Formed from the first few letters from the word “versatile.” See: Way, Self Guider.
Viewing someone as less than
Seeing someone as less of a person, and not caring too much if they are sad or happy. Not including them as part of your world.
What actions a person sees as good or bad. How a person chooses to feel when they see another person doing something. How someone could live their life and how people could get along together.
When someone is unable to change how they feel about something, even if they have good reasons, and is unable to even just try and see how it goes.
Wise Leader
A person who is happy when the people they lead try to make the world a better place and thinks very hard about how to help them do that.
Someone who is really good at a few things and wants to live a nice normal life. See: Specialized.

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